Upcoming Card Games Learn more about Havana’s regular and high stakes card games below: Pick your partner High-Low-Jack Play High Low Jack with the partner of your choice $10 per person – gift cards are given out to the winners (2 or 3 places) based on the number of players Texas Hold’em Tournament style with no additional buy-in Food and a cigar included $40 per person – gift cards are given out to the winners (2 or 3 places) based on the number of players Winners of each tournament qualify for a final table seat in November High Stakes pick partner High-Low-Jack Play High Low Jack with the partner of your choice $25 per person – gift cards are given out to the winners (2 or 3 places) based on the number of players High Stakes Texas Hold’em Tournament style with no additional buy-in Food and a cigar included $60 per person – gift cards are given out to the winners (2 or 3 places) based on the number of players Winners of each tournament qualify for a final table seat in November loading... Powered by Pretty Google Calendar